Monday, 16 Sep, 2024


Hospitals resume full services 

News Desk |
Update: 2024-09-04 11:42:44
Hospitals resume full services 

Physicians resumed full medical services at all public and private hospitals across the country today (Sept 4) suspending their movement.

Abdul Ahad, spokesperson for the protesting doctors, on Tuesday said, "As per our demands, the hospital administration has ensured the safety of the doctors. The culprits have been arrested. Therefore, we’ve decided to suspend our programmes. Patients will get full service at the hospitals from tomorrow (Wednesday)."

The strike was announced on Sunday following several incidents of attacks at Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) on Saturday.

Doctors protested the incident demanding the arrest of perpetrators and assurance for their security.

Then, DMCH authorities and law enforcement agencies assured them of their safety and arrest of attackers – but two more incidents of attacks took place at the country’s iconic health facility.

BDST: 1140 HRS, SEPT 04, 2024

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