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BFUJ, DUJ express concern over BPSA statement

News Desk |
Update: 2024-06-22 19:09:44
BFUJ, DUJ express concern over BPSA statement

Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists (BFUJ) and Dhaka Union of Journalists (DUJ) have expressed deep concern regarding the statement made by the Bangladesh Police Service Association (BPSA) about journalists. 

BFUJ president Omar Faruk, secretary general Deep Azad and DUJ president Sohel Haider Chowdhury and general secretary Akhter Hossain expressed this concern in a joint statement made today (June 22). 

They hope that all quarters will refrain from making statements that hamper the environment of independent journalism. The right to freedom of expression and independent journalism is recognised in the constitution.

In a press release issued on Saturday, the Bangladesh Police Service Association in Saturday called for journalists to maintain extra caution when publishing any report about the police force to follow the principles of journalism. The association claimed that in recent times partial, motivated and indiscriminate reports about former and serving members of the police were being published serially in the media (print and electronic) and on social media.

BDST: 1909 HRS, JUNE 22, 2024

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