Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


Free, fair polls after necessary reforms: Chief advisor Dr. Yunus

News Desk |
Update: 2024-08-25 21:00:46
Free, fair polls after necessary reforms: Chief advisor Dr. Yunus

Chief Adviser Professor Dr. Muhammad Yunus today said a free, fair and participatory election will be held in the country after necessary reforms to administration, judiciary, the Election Commission (EC), electoral system and law-order sector.

"A free, fair and participatory election will be held after necessary reforms  to administration, judiciary, the Election Commission, electoral system, law- order sector and free flow of information to give the student-people a  successful culmination," he said while addressing the nation at 7.30 pm.
BTV, BTV World and BTV Chattogram centre broadcasted his address.

Prof Yunus said the main aim of the election is to introduce an accountable political system against corruption, looting and mass killing.

Local government institutions, he said, must be strengthened and decentralization of power should be ensured to consolidate democracy.

Claiming that the government has taken a strong stance against corruption,  the Chief Adviser said all the advisers to the interim government will  disclose their wealth statements within the quickest possible time.

Prof Yunus said submitting wealth statements will be made mandatory for all  government officials at phases.

To take steps against corruption at the state level, an ordinance will be proclaimed to appoint an Ombudsman in line with the Article 77 of the Constitution.

BDST: 2059 HRS, AUGUST 25, 2024

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