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Past budgets patronized well-off persons, say rights leaders<br> Call for care of farmers, workers,

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2010-05-28 19:28:58

Dhaka: Rights campaigners Tuesday made a strong plea for allocating necessary money in the coming budget, support and appropriate guidelines from the next fiscal year protecting the rights of farmers, workers, the tribal and the disabled.  

The call came from a press conference on ‘Budget’ organized by Nagarik Morcha at Dhaka Reporters’ Unity in the capital, now that the new budget is under preparation.

The leaders of the organizations claimed that past budgets patronized well-off ones of society, making the poor poorer through discriminatory resource allocation.

It was against values of independence, they said and insisted that pro-poor budget is necessary at this moment.

In the briefing, Executive Director of Supra K G M Faruque said, “Though the rights of the people as citizens of the state are equal, budget failed to protect their due rights.”

Speakers also deplored that people have no chance for effective participation in the budget-making process directly or indirectly for high dependence on the bureaucracy. For this reason the demands of the poor and deprived people   have not been reflected.  

Professor Mezbah Kamal, Executive Director of Research and Development Collective (RDC), said budgets increased disparity of wealth between the poor and the rich.

“Budget makers give importance to the demand of well-off classes than that of the poor of the nation. They don not think that poor farmers are the backbone of the economy of the country. So, separate budget is an imperative for the welfare of farmers,” he added.

Morshed Ali, President of Bangladesh Farmers’ Association, also addressed the press meet, conducted by Uma Chawdhury, director of ‘Campaign for good governance’ (Supra).

BDST 1910 Hrs May 25, 2010

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