Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


Rajshahi Polytechnic reopens Wednesday

National Desk |
Update: 2010-05-28 19:32:11

RAJSHAHI: Rajshahi Polytechnic Institute reopened Wednesday after nearly five months’ forced closure following the killing of a student leader amid campus violence on January 7.

The polytechnic authorities have now made it mandatory for the students to wear specific uniform and bear their identity card—a measure meant for keeping outsiders at bay, as they often create trouble trying to establish their political supremacy.

Principal of the Polytechnic Institute Ayub Ali told that they have taken measures for security on the campus. According to a latest report, all activities at the Institute had a smooth sailing after the reopening.      

Vice-president of the local unit of Chhatra Moitry Rezaul Islam Sany was killed in an attack by Chhatra League cadres on January 7 on the campus. President of Chhatra Moitry Polytechnic unit Kazi Motahar Hossain Jewel and vice-president Sherafat Ali Bulbul were seriously injured.

The campus was shut down for indefinite period following the decision of an emergency meeting of the academic council the same day.

BDST: 10:22 Hrs, May 26,2010

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