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Media-NGOs urged to play their part against sexual harassment of women

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2010-05-28 19:33:18

DHAKA: A coalition of campaigners for women’s rights urged mass media and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to work with a synergy in tackling the incidents of sexual harassment of women at workplace.

At a workshop Wednesday they also underscored the need for creating awareness among women about this nuisance, apart from working for development of democracy.

Alliance for Women Workers’ Rights (AWWR), an alliance of nine non-governmental organizations working to establish women’s rights in the country, organized the workshop on ‘Gender Equality and Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace and Role of Media’ at the National Press Club.

Bangladesh chapter of the International Labour Organization (ILO) sponsored the programme.  

At the workshop Joint Editor of the daily Prothom Alo Abdul Quiyum said the existing law of the country on the issue is not enough in protecting women from sexual harassment at workplace.

He said, “The media can play a pivotal role in addressing the social crime through widespread publicity about the perils of sexual harassment.”

Associate Editor of The Daily Star Shah Husain Imam said united efforts of the mass media, NGOs and democratic organizations can help change attitude towards the womenfolk.

AWWR Chairperson Professor Ishrat Shamim said the workshop was held in continuity of dialogues with different stakeholders to create pressure against the social crime.

BDST: 1345HRS. May 26, 2010

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