Sunday, 29 Sep, 2024


Premier campus conflict

13 including Mahiuddin sued

Special Correspondent |
Update: 2014-06-09 07:26:00
13 including Mahiuddin sued

DHAKA: Former Chittagong city mayor and president of city Awami League ABM Mohiuddin Chowdhury was sued among 13 people over a clash centering a disputed land of Premier University campus.

Nazrul Islam filed the case on the court of Justice Ahmed Sayed on Monday.

The court ordered the Officer-in-Charge of Chawkbazar Thana to record this as a statement.

Mohammad Rezaul Masud, Additional Deputy Commissioner (prosecutor) of Chittagong confirmed the matter to banglanews.

BDST: 1723 HRS, JUNE 9, 2014

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