Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


Don`t panic for anthrax: Health Minister

National Desk |
Update: 2010-09-06 00:35:22
Don`t panic for anthrax: Health Minister

DHAKA: Health and Family Welfare Minister AFM Ruhal Haque Monday said there is nothing to get panicked about anthrax, an easily curable disease, as the government put all concerned on red alert to prevent the spread of the cattle-borne scourge.

He came up with the word of hope while visiting Dhaka Medical College Hospital to see two anthrax-affected patients.

Director of the Hospital Brigadier General Md Shahidul Haque Mollik, Director of Burn Unit Samantalal Sen and doctors concerned were present.
The minister said, "Anthrax is not any fatal disease. Treatment of the disease is easy, too. The doctors of the country know the treatment."

He also said the necessary medicine is available for treatment of the disease which is not infections and does not transmit from human to human, said the physician-turned-minister of health.  

An infected person will be cured within ten days if treatment is taken in early stages of infection, he said.

The health minister said the government has taken steps for vaccinating all domestic animals in the anthrax-affected areas of each district and awareness-building works are going on.

He also said different departments, including health and livestock departments, are working in unison to tackle the scourge.   
He advised people to keep away from touching or slaughtering cattle sick with anthrax and bury the dead cattle six feet under the earth.

BDST: 1720 HRS, SEPT 06, 2010

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