Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


20 inmates to be freed from jail on presidential mercy

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2010-09-06 01:11:00
20 inmates to be freed from jail on presidential mercy

DHAKA: Twenty convicts with death panalty freed from jails under presidential amnesty on the occasion of Eid-ul-fitr, official sources said.

Ten convicts would be set free from Dhaka Central Jail and as many from Rajshahi Central Jail following an order from President Zillur Rahman.

Prison official sources said they might be freed within Tuesday.

A Dhaka Central Jail source said, “Necessary documents have reached the prison authority from the Home Ministry after the President’s directive.”

Already, prison authorities have started taking necessary steps to carry out the presidential mercy order.

Sources also confirmed that initiative has been taken to free the inmates who have been considered under the amnesty from jail sometime between Monday night and Tuesday morning.

BDST: 2009 HRS SEPT 6, 2010

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