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100-year sustainable constitution under construction

Shamim Khan, Senior Correspondent |
Update: 2010-09-19 03:38:33
100-year sustainable constitution under construction

DHAKA: The special parliamentary committee assigned to remake the national constitution is working to draft a sustainable constitution that can last over the next 100 years sailing through all the circumstances that may surface on the long course.

“The committee is committed to presenting the recommendations on constitution amendment before parliament with this end in view,” said a member of the committee.   

He expressed this aspiration after a camera meeting of the committee in the cabinet room in the parliament house Sunday, closely dwelling on the changes in the making in the country’s basic laws and principles.

They also said the committee is working to ensure the reflection of people’s expectations rather than any parochial group interest.

The committee is working to make a set of recommendations taking into consideration next 60 to 100 years, the committee members said.

They also informed that opinions of legal and constitution experts are being taken in framing a durable constitution, against the backdrop of bitter experiences of scissoring the existing one time and again in the past.    

Besides, another competent source said, though the committee did not come to a decision, it is discussing whether the matters like Islam as the state religion, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim in the preamble, religion-based political parties and caretaker government should be kept unchanged

They came to a consensus, however, that no sensitive or controversial political provisions would be amended.

After detailed discussion the committee, therefore, decided to bring the amendment recommendations keeping those issues untouched, the sources added.

The committee members, however, opined in favour of taking ultimate decision on these touchy issues after prolonged discussions and analyses.
As such, the recommendations are not likely to be placed in the upcoming parliament session, beginning September 20, nor even at the next one, some of the sources apprehended.

On the other hand, co-chairman of the committee Suranjit Sengupata informed reporters about a decision on taking experts’ opinion for amending the constitution. Syeda Sajeda Chowdhury chaired the meeting.

The 5th meeting of the committee is scheduled for September 23 at 11am, where legal and constitutional experts would be invited to give their opinions.

Sources told banglanews that Dr Kamal Hossain, Dr M Zahir, Barrister Rafiqul Haque, Barrister Amirul Islam, Advocate Towfiq Newaz and Mahmudul Islam, among others, are included in the list of experts.

Suranjit gave a hint that the number of experts might be 10/12.

Those who had given opinions for amending the ordinances during last interim government would also be invited to give their opinion this time also, he added.

"According to Article 111 of the constitution all have the right to give their opinion," said the veteran parliamentarian and politician.

Law Minister Barrister Shafique Ahmed and chairman of the Law Commission Justice Abdur Rashid along with the committee members were present while Abdur Razzak, Hasanul Haq Inu and Dr Shirin Sharmin were absent from the meeting.

BDST: 2027 HRS. SEPT 19, 2010

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