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CCC Ward Councillor held, released later

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2010-06-16 18:50:22

CHITTAGONG: Police held a ward councillor amid a brawl as the polling in the Chittagong City Corporation election began Thursday amid enthusiasm among the voters. correspondent from the port city Ramen Das Gupta said the councillor of Ward 32, Jahar Lal Hajari, was held following a brawl between his supporters and the followers of his opponent Asheesh Bhattacharya at Government Muslim High School polling center.

Commanding officer of Rapid Action Battalion-7 Lt. Col. Sazzad Hossain said, “He was not arrested. He was taken in for a while to defuse tension.”

He was released later on.

Both Hajari and Asheesh are the supporters of the ruling Awami League.

BDST: 10:00 Hrs, June 17, 2010.

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