Wednesday, 26 Jun, 2024


1 killed in protest at Iran consulate in Afghanistan

DHAKA: At least one person was killed and four wounded on Saturday when angry demonstrators tried to storm the Iranian consulate in western Afghanistan during a protest over visas, officials said.Around 200 protestors took to the streets of Herat city and tried to attack the consulate

Polls close in Australian elections

DHAKA: Polls closed in Australia’s most populous states where Saturday’s national elections are expected to be won or lost, with conservative challenger Tony Abbott set for a big victory.Voting stations in the crucial states of Queensland and New South Wales shut at 6:00pm (0800 GMT),

Pakistan releases 7 Taliban prisoners

DHAKA: Pakistan on Saturday announced the release of seven senior Afghan Taliban figures to help the peace process in war-torn neighbour Afghanistan.The Foreign Ministry said, reports The Strait stimes.‘In order to further facilitate the Afghan reconciliation process, Pakistan is

Nigerian army kill 50 members of Islamist sect

DHAKA: Nigerian soldiers backed by air support have tracked down and killed 50 members of Islamist sect Boko Haram in the sect`s northeastern stronghold.An army spokesman said on Saturday, reports The Jerusalem Post.Suspected members of Boko Haram killed 20 people in two attacks late on

Malala honored with Children’s peace prize

DHAKA: Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai, who survived a Taliban assassination attempt last year, was honored Friday with the Children’s Peace Prize for her work promoting education for girls in her homeland.The 16-year-old said she accepted the prize in the historic Knights’ Hall

US tightens embassy security in Lebanon,Turkey

DHAKA: The United States tightened security at diplomatic missions in Lebanon and Turkey on Friday because of potential threats, ordering some personnel out of Lebanon and offering to evacuate those in Adana in southeastern Turkey.The State Department warned US citizens against traveling

NASA sends rocket to the moon

DHAKA: NASA launched an unmanned rocket to the moon Friday night to study its lunar atmosphere and environment.The 90-foot rocket carrying the orbiter was expected to be visible to much of the eastern U.S. seaboard when it launched from Virginia, officials said earlier. If skies were

25 infants die at a Kolkata hospital in 3 days

DHAKA: At least 25 infants are reported to have died at a government-run children`s hospital in Kolkata in the last three days.BC Roy Post-Graduate Institute of Paediatric Sciences is considered to be one of the best specialty children`s hospitals in the state. Rejecting allegations of

Maldives set for presidential polls

DHAKA: Voters across the Maldives will go to the polls for a presidential election nearly 18 months after a violent change of leadership shook the Indian Ocean archipelago.Saturday’s vote will test the popular holiday destination`s young democracy after the ousting of its first elected

Man arrested in Buckingham Palace

DHAKA: A man has been arrested on suspicion of burglary, trespass and criminal damage after scaling a fence to get into Buckingham Palace, police have said.He was found "in an area currently open to the public during the day" at about 22:20 BST on Monday, the Metropolitan Police said.A

Russia and US no closer on Syria

DHAKA: Speeches by key leaders at the end of the G20 summit in St Petersburg have laid bare the bitter divisions over possible military action in Syria.Russian President Vladimir Putin restated his opposition to any strike, saying it would destabilise the region.US President Barack Obama

Australians vote in key election

DHAKA: Australians are voting in a general election, with opposition leader Tony Abbott`s Liberal-National coalition aiming to bring to an end six years of Labor government.Opinion polls suggest Kevin Rudd, who returned as prime minister three months ago, is trailing his opponent.The

Iran appoints first foreign ministry spokeswoman

DHAKA: Iran’s state TV has reported that the country has appointed its first foreign ministry spokeswoman.The Thursday report quotes Mohammad Javad Zarif, the foreign minister, as saying Marzieh Afkham has been appointed spokesperson for the country’s diplomatic apparatus.Afkham has

Russia and US no closer

DHAKA: The US and Russia have not bridged their differences over the issue of possible military action in Syria, Russian President Vladimir Putin says.Putin said it was “counter-productive” to destabilize the situation in the Middle East.Putin’s comments came in a news conference on

Iran minister tweets happy Jewish New Year

DHAKA: Iran’s foreign minister has confirmed he sent a message on Twitter wishing Jews a happy new year.Mohammad Javad Zarif told Tasnim news agency that he sent a tweet saying: “Happy Rosh Hashana”.In a Twitter exchange that followed, he also distanced himself from the Holocaust

Egypt `to dissolve Muslim Brotherhood`

DHAKA: Egypt`s government has decided to press ahead with the legal dissolution of the Muslim Brotherhood, state media report.A spokesman for the social solidarity ministry said it would revoke the Islamist movement`s non-governmental organisation status "within days".The Brotherhood had

Largest volcano on Earth found

DHAKA: Move over, Mauna Loa.A group of scientists say they`ve found a volcano bigger than you.Way bigger.An underwater volcano dubbed Tamu Massif was found some 1,000 miles east of Japan, says William Sager, a professor at the University of Houston, who led a team of scientists in the

UN chief warns against strikes on Syria

DHAKA: UN chief Ban Ki-moon has made an impassioned plea against military action in Syria, warning that it could spark further sectarian violence in a country already suffering from a humanitarian crisis "unprecedented" in recent history.Speaking at a humanitarian meeting hosted by

Deadly drone strike kills 7 in Pakistan

DHAKA: Missiles fired by a suspected US drone aircraft have killed at least seven fighters in Pakistan`s Pashtun tribal region on the Afghan border, local residents said.In the early hours of Friday, drones fired two missiles on a compound in the village of Dargah Mandi in North

G20 `split` as US hits out at Russia

DHAKA: G20 leaders were divided over Syria at the end of the first day of their Russian summit, as the US envoy to the UN showed her frustration at Moscow.Italian PM Enrico Letta said the splits were confirmed at a working dinner.At the UN, US ambassador Samantha Power accused Russia of