Wednesday, 26 Jun, 2024


Egypt army launches new air strikes in Sinai

DHAKA: Egyptian military helicopters carried out a second day of air raids on Sunday in the Sinai Peninsula, where they are facing an insurgency by Islamist militants, witnesses said.Apache helicopters hit targets in north Sinai near the Rafah border crossing with the Hamas-ruled Gaza

Syrian gas victims flown in secret to UK

DHAKA: Victims of a chemical weapons attack on the outskirts of Damascus last month were flown in secret from Syria to the United Kingdom to undergo tests.The Sunday Times reported, says The Jerusalem Post.According to the report in the British newspaper, the medical tests revealed traces

India communal violence death toll climbs 12

DHAKA: Army staged a flag march in Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar Sunday where the toll in communal clashes between members of two communities climbed to 12 while 40 were injured.Sporadic incidents of violence were also reported from villages in Meerut where two people have been killed

Another 3 die of Mers virus in Saudi Arabia

DHAKA: Another three people have died in Saudi Arabia after contracting the Mers coronavirus, the health ministry said Sunday, bringing the kingdom’s total fatalities of the Sars-like virus to 47.A Saudi man, aged 74, died in the western city of Medina after being in contact with an

Kerry meets Arab leaders to seek support

DHAKA: US state secretary John Kerry is meeting Arab League leaders in Paris as part of a European tour to gather support for intervention in Syria.Earlier Kerry said the number of nations prepared to take military action was now in ‘double digits’, but the list has not been made

2 Egyptian soldiers killed in Sinai

DHAKA: Two Egyptian soldiers were killed late on Saturday when an improvised explosive device detonated in a road in the North Sinai town of Sheikh Zuweid near the border with the Gaza Strip.Egypt security sources said, reports The Jerusalem Post.The Egyptian army launched an attack

Syria rebels take control of Christian town

DHAKA: Syrian rebels, including jihadists, have taken control of the historic Christian town of Maalula, north of Damascus.The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights watchdog and a resident said on Sunday, reports The Straits Times.‘Overnight, Syrian regime troops moved into the village,

Death penalty called for India gang-rapists

DHAKA: The family of a student who died after being brutally gang-raped in New Delhi has called for the death penalty ahead of a court’s verdict on her alleged attackers.The court is expected to deliver its verdict on Tuesday after concluding a trial against four adults over the assault

‘Chemical weapons use is wider issue than Syria’

DHAKA: British foreign secretary William Hague called on Sunday for a strong response to the use of chemical weapons in Syria, saying the issue went wider than the conflict in the Middle Eastern country.Hague said that although the British parliament had rejected joining military action

Passerby captures lion roaming streets of Kuwait

DHAKA: A passerby lured a runaway lion roaming an upmarket suburb of Kuwait into his car and then called the police for help, an incident that raised concerns about wild animals kept as pets in the wealthy Gulf Arab state.Pictures in Kuwaiti media showed the animal glaring out of the back

Indian troops sent to halt deadly communal clashes

DHAKA: Hundreds of troops have been deployed to quell deadly riots and clashes between Hindus and Muslims sparked by the killing of three villagers who had objected when a young woman was being harassed in northern India.Police say the clashes in Kawal village left nine people dead,

Manmohan happy to work for Rahul

DHAKA: Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh has endorsed Rahul Gandhi to lead the ruling Congress party, saying he would be ‘happy’ to work under the scion of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty.Dr Singh, who will turn 81 later this month, made the comment to reporters late Saturday while flying

US plans for 3 days of attacks on Syria

DHAKA: The Pentagon is readying more intense and longer attacks on Syria than originally planned, set to last three days.The Los Angeles Times reported on Sunday, says The Straits Times.War planners now aim to unleash a heavy barrage of missile strikes to be followed swiftly by additional

Pope leads world prayers for peace in Syria

DHAKA: Pope Francis called for reconciliation in Syria on Saturday as he led a mass peace vigil on St Peter’s square and millions of Catholics worldwide were joined by other faiths in a day of fasting and prayer.‘In beloved Syria, in the Middle East, in all the world, let us pray for

Zardari steps down on term completion

DHAKA: Pakistani president Asif Ali Zardari is stepping down at the end of his five year term, becoming the first democratically elected president in the country’s history to complete his full tenure in office.His spokesman Farhatullah Babar says the presidency is holding a farewell

‘Support for action against Syria is growing’

DHAKA: US state secretary John Kerry has said the number of states ready to take military action against Syria’s government is in the ‘double digits’.Speaking in Paris, he said the world could not be ‘silent spectators to slaughter’ after Syria`s alleged use of chemical weapons

Rafsanjani denies statements on sarin gas use in Syria

DHAKA: Iran Expediency Council Chairman Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said that the use of weapons of mass destruction, including chemical weapons, by any individual, group, or government is condemned and forbidden.He also denied the comments attributed to him accusing the Syrian

Syrian Christians heed Pope’s call to pray for peace

DHAKA: Hundreds of Syrian Christians gathered in Damascus on Saturday to pray for peace and protest against possible US military intervention, responding to a call by Pope Francis for a day of prayer and fasting.During a six-hour service at the al-Zeitouna Church, an ornate Roman Catholic

15 killed in Nato airstrike in Afghanistan

DHAKA: A Nato airstrike in the eastern Afghan province of Kunar has killed 15 people including nine civilians, Afghan officials say.But a Nato spokeswoman told the BBC that a precision attack killed 10 insurgents and that she had no reports of civilians dying.The Taliban frequently launch

Maldives poll goes to second round

DHAKA: The presidential elections in the Maldives will go to a second round after frontrunner Mohamed Nasheed failed to win an outright majority.Mohamed Nasheed obtained 45% but needed more than 50% to avoid a run-off against his rival, Abdulla Yameen, who got 25% of the vote.After