Wednesday, 26 Jun, 2024


Cambodia ruling party `wins poll`

DHAKA: Cambodia`s ruling People`s Party (CPP) has been confirmed the winner of a general election which was marred by fraud allegations.The election commission said Prime Minister Hun Sen`s CPP won 68 seats, compared to 55 for the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party.The televised

Tony Abbott defeats Kevin Rudd

DHAKA: Australia`s opposition has crushed the governing Labor party in a general election that has returned the Liberal-National coalition to power for the first time in six years.The coalition won 88 seats to Labor`s 57 in the 150-seat parliament.Liberal leader Tony Abbott, who will be

Bahrain’s forbidding foreign meddling condemned

DHAKA: The US state department has said that it was ‘very concerned’ over a move by Bahrain forbid foreign diplomats to meet with political groups without government permission.‘We plan to meet with Bahraini officials in the coming days to raise our concerns and to seek further

US extends Iran sanctions waivers to Japan, EU

DHAKA: The United States has extended for six months waivers on Iran sanctions to Japan and 10 countries of the European Union in exchange for their reduced petroleum purchases from the Islamic republic.US state secretary John Kerry said on Friday, reports The Jerusalem Post.The sanctions

Asma al-Assad’s interpreter seeks shelter in Armenia

DHAKA; An interpreter for the wife of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, Mihran Bertizlian, took shelter in Armenia four months ago in order to secure his family’s safety.Asma al-Assad’s interpreter, who is a Syrian citizen of Armenian origin, told the Turkish daily Hürriyet in

UN team could submit Syria report by next week

DHAKA: A German newspaper is reporting that a team of United Nations chemical weapons inspectors could submit initial findings from its tests of samples collected in Syria by the end of next week.The respected weekly Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung says the interim report to UN

Mursi faces new accusation of insulting judges

DHAKA: An Egyptian prosecutor levelled new accusations against Mohamed Mursi, already facing trial on other charges, alleging the toppled president had insulted the country`s judiciary when he was in office.Egypt’s state media reported on Saturday, says Turkish daily Hurriyet.The

Kerry appreciates strong statement from Ashton

DHAKA: US state secretary John Kerry welcomed a European Union statement on Saturday that said there appeared to be strong evidence that the Syrian government carried out a chemical attack on civilians in August.‘We are very grateful for the statement that came out of the meeting today

Hundreds protest deadly police shooting in Kashmir

DHAKA: A protest erupted on Saturday after Indian police said they killed two alleged militants and two civilians in the disputed Himalayan territory of Kashmir, while authorities maintained tight security for a classical music concert being staged amid separatist objections.Inspector

Rudd to step down as Australia’s Labor chief

DHAKA: Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd announced he would step down as Labor chief after a heavy defeat to the conservatives in national elections on Saturday following years of leadership ructions.‘I will not be recontesting the leadership of the parliamentary Labor Party,’ Rudd

‘US cannot turn blind eye to Syria’

DHAKA: Inaction is not an option for the United States in Syria after a horrendous chemical attack, president Barack Obama has said as he urged holdout legislators to back a military strike.‘We are the United States of America. We cannot turn a blind eye to images like the ones we`ve

Egypt military defuse bomb on railroad

DHAKA: Egyptian military engineers defused on Saturday mortar rounds rigged to explode on a railroad linking the canal cities of Ismailiya and Suez, security officials said.Police called in the military experts after residents of a village near the railroad spotted the bomb, the officials

Abbott poised for Australia election victory

DHAKA: Tony Abbott’s Liberal-National coalition appears on course for a decisive win in Australia`s general election.Early counting showed a swing to the opposition coalition in several states, with exit polls forecasting it would secure a lower house majority.Public broadcaster ABC’s

India MPs ban ‘dehumanising’ manual scavenging

DHAKA: Indian lawmakers have passed a long-awaited bill to ban manual scavenging, the clearing of human waste from toilets, by workers seen as the ‘ultimate untouchables’ under the country’s ancient Hindu caste-hierarchy.Already illegal under a largely ineffective 1993 law, the

New clashes at Syrian Christian town

DHAKA: New fighting has broken out between rebels and regime forces on the outskirts of the Christian town of Maalula in Syria.A watchdog said on Saturday, reports The Straits Times.‘There are clashes just inside the town in the western district between Popular Committees (militia) and

China buys into giant oilfield in Kazakhstan

DHAKA: Chinese president Xi Jinping on Saturday will oversee China’s entry into Kashagan, a vast oilfield in Kazakhstan, as he tours post-Soviet Central Asia to secure hydrocarbons for the world`s largest energy consumer.The US$5 billion deal further increases China’s rising clout in

Iran releases India’s detained oil tanker

DHAKA: Iran has released an Indian crude oil tanker that was detained last month over pollution concerns, an Indian shipping official said on Saturday, ending a dispute between the countries that have historically had strong trade ties.The tanker, Desh Shanti, carrying 140,000 tonnes of

Kerry set to meet with EU leaders to discuss Syria

DHAKA: US state secretary John Kerry is set to meet with senior Lithuanian officials on Saturday to discuss the ongoing crisis in Syria, as well as peace negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians, according to a statement released by the US state department.Lithuania currently

Clear win for Abbott in Australia elections called

DHAKA: The Australian Broadcasting Corporation on Saturday called a clear win for the Tony Abbott-led conservative opposition over prime minister Kevin Rudd’s Labor in national polls.‘The coalition is on a pretty secure 74 seats already. On that basis they’re going to get a

Chinese ships in Hawaii for exercises with US Navy

DHAKA: Three Chinese ships carrying hundreds of sailors arrived in Hawaii on Friday to join a search-and-rescue exercise with the United States Navy during a rare visit intended to foster familiarity.The guided missile destroyer Qingdao, a frigate and a supply ship were welcomed with