Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


Bus runs over woman in city

Senior Correspondent |
Update: 2010-07-16 15:58:24

DHAKA : An unidentified woman was killed and another young man wounded in a road mishap in the city’s Shyampur area Friday night.

Shyampur thana SI Asaduzzaman told that a recklessly driven bus ran over the woman, aged around 25, and knocked down another while crossing the road at 10:15pm on the slope of Postogola Bridge.

The injured, identified as Sajal, 20, was admitted to Dhaka Medical College Hospital in a critical condition.

The body was sent to the DMCH morgue for autopsy.

The bus driver managed to flee the scene with the vehicle just after the accident.

BDST: 1350 HRS, JULY 17, 2010

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