Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


Fire burns 3 shops in Gazipur

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2010-07-16 17:28:07

GAZIPUR: A fire broke out at Dhonu Molla market near Banglabazar in Sadar upazila on Friday night, burning down three shops.

Gazipur Fire Brigade official Abu Zafar Ahmed told that the fire broke out at around 12 midnight in a shop and soon engulfed the two nearby shops.

The flame, might have originated from an electric short circuit, burnt Soma Enterprise, Jui Electronics and Mitu Hardware of the market within minutes, he said.  

Fire fighters doused after one hour of hectic efforts.

The extent of damage has been initially estimated at about Tk 7 lakh, Zafar Ahmed added.

BDST: 1521 HRS, JULY 17, 2010

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