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Mirpur Jhut warehouses gutted by fire

Senior Correspondent |
Update: 2010-08-12 15:56:06
Mirpur Jhut warehouses gutted by fire

DHAKA: Firefighters battled a fire that gutted three warehouses storing garment scraps and one shanty at the city’s Jhut Patti in Mirpur 10 Friday early morning.

On information, six fire fighting units rushed to the spot and put the blaze out after a four-hour effort at about 7:00am. Locals also helped the fire men to douse the blaze.

No casualty was reported until filing this report at about 7:30 am Friday.

Estimated fire damage is about Tk. 4 lakh. The slum dwellers managed to save their valuables worth Tk. 14 Lakh, said Fire Service duty officer Nilufer Yesmin.

Senior station officer of Mirpur Fire Service Office Anwarul Haque told, “The fire originated at about 3:00 am. Soon the blaze spread and huge clouds of smoke engulfed the entire area.”

Firefighters suspect that the fire originated from burning cigarettes at a warehouse around 3:00 am and rapidly spread to the adjacent storehouses and shanties in the vicinity.

BDST: 11:11 HRS, AUG 13, 2010

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