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Court imposes travel ban on Matiur, wife, son

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2024-06-24 13:18:44
Court imposes travel ban on Matiur, wife, son

A Dhaka court imposed a travel ban on NBR member Matiur Rahman, his wife and son.

Judge Mohammad As-Shams Jaglul Hossain of Dhaka Metropolitan Senior Special Judge Court passed the order on Monday (June 24) following a prayer submitted by the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC).

A three-member committee has already been constituted to probe the allegations against Matiur, former member of National Board of Revenue (NBR), with a deputy director as the head to investigate the allegation.

Besides, Rahman has been removed from the NBR and reassigned to the Internal Resources Department (IRD) of the Finance Ministry.

Recently, Rahman gained attention after a video of his son purchasing a sacrificial goat at an extravagant price went viral on social media. He serves as the president of the Customs, Excise, and VAT Appellate Tribunal and as the director of Sonali Bank.

BDST: 1317 HRS, JUNE 24, 2024

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