Sunday, 29 Sep, 2024


Government must resign: Prof Anu Muhammad

News Desk |
Update: 2024-08-02 20:56:05
Government must resign: Prof Anu Muhammad

Former professor of Jahangirnagar University Anu Muhammad on Friday (August 2) said the current government must resign.

He said while speaking at a rally organised in protest against the killings of students and people in front of National Press Club in the capital today.

People have nothing to seek from the government. It will have to try those who were involved in the killing of students and free all the arrested students, he said. 

He went on saying, "We all will have to show patience. All must be united. We should be careful about those who want to launch violence. The government, different local and foreign agencies have indulged in conspiracies. We should refrain from it.”

Professor Anu said, “Attacks were launched from three-year old child to day-labourers, professionals. They have become the victims of attacks from land and sky. More than 300 people, mostly students have been killed in RAB-police firing. Parents of the deceased students are wailing. Thousands of people have been injured."

He said, "We had struggled against many autocrats after 1952. But, not a single autocrat had committed bloodshed like what we witnessed during several days in July.

The government thought students' movement could be suppressed by opening firing on them indiscriminately. Instead, protests have increased manifold, he said. 

According to Professor Anu Muhammad, teachers, guardians and civil society members have stood beside the students. People of Bangladesh are now fighting for a free Bangladesh.

All should get united to build this free Bangladesh. The main thing is that the demonstrators will have to free the country from the occupiers of state power, Professor added. 

BDST: 2055 HRS, AUGUST 2, 2024

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