Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


Legal notice served for list of individuals pardoned by President

Staff Correspondent  |
Update: 2024-08-25 13:34:22
Legal notice served for list of individuals pardoned by President

A legal notice has been issued seeking the list of individuals pardoned by the president from January 1991 to July 2024.

Supreme Court Lawyer Barrister Md Omar Faruk sent the legal notice on Sunday.

Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs, secretary of the Ministry of Law, Cabinet secretary and secretary of the president's office have been made respondents to the notice.

The notice pointed out that, under Section 49 of the Constitution, both past and present presidents have exercised their powers to pardon, suspend, or reduce the penalties of numerous death row inmates and criminals serving life sentences. 

It alleged that some of these individuals, after receiving presidential pardons, have returned to society and established themselves as mafia figures, spreading terror.

The notice challenged the president's authority to pardon top criminals and demanded that the list of all those pardoned by the president from 1991 to 2024 be provided within 15 days. 

It further warned that if the list of those pardoned is not provided within the specified timeframe, a writ petition will be filed with the High Court.

BDST: 1334 HRS, AUG 25, 2024

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