Thursday, 05 Sep, 2024


Suspending DAP suicidal for Dhaka, says BIP

News Desk |
Update: 2024-09-05 11:42:16
Suspending DAP suicidal for Dhaka, says BIP

There is no alternative to formulating integrated plans and their subsequent effective implementation to ensure a balanced, inclusive, and sustainable development of the country, according to urban planners.

Under the circumstances, they said, if the purposeful demand to suspend Dhaka's Detailed Area Plan (DAP) is implemented, it will be a suicidal decision.

The Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP), an organisation of urban planners, came up with the observation at a programme in the capital on Wednesday.

It said vested quarters are out to suspend the DAP although the capital city ranks at the bottom in terms of liveability.

Amid the changed political situation, the BIP said, the Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB) and the Institute of Architects Bangladesh are now demanding reformation of the DAP as it was made during the previous government and was 'discriminatory'.

Mentioning that a group of RAJUK (Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha) architects and engineers are also opposing the DAP, the BIP said it is necessary to look into the interests of the vested quarters behind their stance against the existing DAP.

Adil Mohammed Khan, president of the BIP, moderated and presented the keynote paper at the programme.

He said that in the case of DAP reevaluation, the protection of environment, water bodies, reservoirs, and agricultural lands must be given the utmost importance.

But the demand for a blanket suspension of the DAP indicates an ulterior motive of the vested quarters, creating a clear obstacle to a planned and sustainable development, he added.

BIP Joint Secretary Tamzidul Islam and Treasurer Musleh Uddin Hasan, urban planners Akter Mahmud, Fazle Reza Sumon, and Salma A Shafi spoke at the event among others.

BDST: 1136 HRS, SEPT 05, 2024

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