Thursday, 12 Sep, 2024


Additional secretary Shaila Farzana made OSD

News Desk |
Update: 2024-09-08 16:50:32
Additional secretary Shaila Farzana made OSD

Shayla Farzana, Additional secretary has been attached to the Ministry of Public Administration, on Special Duty (OSD).

Public Administration issued a notification in this regard on Saturday (Sept 7).

Earlier on August 13, Shaila Farzana left the ministry amid protest of the officials who were not promoted. She was cordonned off by them at a room. Later, additional secretary put her in a car amid police protection.

Shaila Farzana (BCS 17 batch officer) was the Secretary General of BCS Women Network. She hails from Gopalganj. Her husband Monirul Islam was Additional Inspector General of Police and Head of Special Branch (SB).

BDST: 1650 HRS, SEP 8, 2024

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