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70 RMG workers fall sick in CEPZ

Special Correspondent |
Update: 2014-06-07 01:31:00
70 RMG workers fall sick in CEPZ

CHITTAGONG: At least 70 workers of a readymade garments factory fall sick for drinking ‘contaminated’ water in Chittagong Export Processing Zone (CEPZ) of the port city on Saturday morning.

Some 20 workers were admitted to Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority (BEPZA) Hospitals and others were given first aid.

CEPZ Managing Director Ahsani Habib told banglanews that the Peninsula Garments was closed on Friday and when it opened on Saturday the workers joined in their regular duties around 8:00am. Then at one stage, two female workers started vomiting. 

Later, seeing the incident, others workers started vomiting and they were rushed to hospital.

EPZ Thana Officer-in-Charge Abul Mansur told banglanews, “BEPZA hospital doctors took the sample of water of the factory to examine it.”

BDST: 1128 HRS, JUN 07, 2014

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