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Case filed against 7 Jamaat activists

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2010-06-01 01:19:50

Dhaka: The seven Jamaat activists, including an Indian national, who were held at Uttara on Sunday evening were all sued early Monday.

Uttra thana SI Salim told, “The case was filed on the allegation of hindering traffic movement on the busy road of the capital. As a plaintiff, I filed the case.”

Asst. commissioner of police (Uttara) Nisharul Arif said they kept a strict surveillance as of Sunday morning, after getting intelligence report that, as their assembly at Paltan was barred, Jamaat activists might commit “subversive acts and create chaotic situation in the city”.

Subsequently, police patrols found a bunch of Jamaat activists trying to gather in front of Uttara House Building premises on Sunday evening. When police pursued, they tried to buzz off. Finally, police arrested seven of them from the spot.

BDST: 1100, 31 May 2010

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