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Student commits suicide in city

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2010-07-31 23:01:53

DHAKA: A teenaged girl allegedly committed suicide by hanging herself in city`s Dhaka Cantonment area Sunday.

The deceased was identified as Nahida Islam, 18, daughter of Nurul Islam of Saudi Colony at Dhaka Cantonment. Nahida passed HSC examination this year.

Delwar Hossain, Officer-in-Charge of Kafrul Thana, said police recovered the hanging body from her bedroom sent to Dhaka Medical College Hospital morgue for autopsy.

Hossain said the deceased’s family members found Nahida hanging from the ceiling of her room with a scarf and informed police.

Nahida’s family members were not happy with her HSC results that might led her to commit suicide, the OC added.

BDST: 1750 HRS, AUG 01, 2010

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