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Bus worker-student clash leaves 50 injured in Madaripur: SP among injured

District correspondent |
Update: 2010-06-15 13:36:45

MADARIPUR: Clashes between students of Najimiuddin University College and local bus workers over a dispute in the district headquarters Tuesday left at least 50 students and policemen injured.

Police Super of Madaripur Sardar Tamizuddin Ahmed was among the injured as he tried to pacify the rioters during the violence that lasted over three hours.

Law enforcers fired teargas shells to take control over the situation.

The students called for a class boycott for indefinite period.

Police super Tamizuddin said the ‘violent clash’ ensued following an altercation between a 2nd -ear student of the college and a bus worker over bus fare.

Critically injured Miraz Hossain, sports secretary of the college student union, was rushed to Dhaka Medical College Hospital and the rest were sent to Madaripur Sadar Hospital.

The workers put barricades on the roads, halting traffic movement. Thousands of passengers were stranded.

“The students called class boycott demanding justice,” General Secretary of the college student union HM Yadul Islam told  

Acting principal of the college Zebun Nahar, however, said her administration closed the college for two weeks in protest against the ‘inhuman’ attack on the students.

BDST: 1639 HRS. June 15, 2010

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