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Area-based load shedding from tomorrow

Staff Correspondent  | banglanews24.com
Update: 2022-07-18 15:13:54
Area-based load shedding from tomorrow

The government has decided to introduce area-based load shedding for a specific time from tomorrow (July 19) to save the fuel that is used for power generation.

State Minister for Power and Energy Nasrul Hamid announced the decision following a meeting at the PMO on Monday (July 18).

It has also decided to keep petrol pumps across the country closed for a day every week in a bid to tackle the ongoing power and energy crisis.

The production of all the diesel-run power plants which are currently in operation will remain shut until further notice, he said.

The government has aslo asked to close shops and markets at 8pm daily as part of its measures to save electricity amid global fuel crisis.

The government and private office meetings will be held virtually and the office hours maybe reduced by 1-2 hours, he said.

Earlier, the government urged the countrymen not to use air-conditioners below 25 degrees at offices, reduce the use of AC in religious establishments like mosques, and wrapping up social events like weddings by 7pm.

BDST: 1513 HRS, JULY 18, 2022

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