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Pakistan High Commission asked to remove distorted Bangladesh flag

News Desk | banglanews24.com
Update: 2022-07-23 21:04:59
Pakistan High Commission asked to remove distorted Bangladesh flag

The Pakistan High Commission in Dhaka was asked by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to remove the distorted image of Bangladesh flag from its Facebook page on Saturday (July 23).

The High Commission uploaded a merged image of Bangladesh and Pakistan flags as the cover photo of their official Facebook page last Thursday.

Since then, the incident drew a widespread criticism on the social media platform Facebook. Later, the Pakistan High Commission closed the comments option of the post. No one can comment there now.

‘Bangladesh Muktijuddho Mancha’ and the ‘Ekattorer Ghatak Dalal Nirmul Committee’ strongly condemned and protested against the Pakistan High Commission in Dhaka for humiliating the national flag of Bangladesh.

BDST: 2104 HRS, JULY 23, 2022

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