Saturday, 27 Jul, 2024


BB Governor urges for risk free banking sector

DHAKA: Bangladesh Bank Governor Dr Atiur Rahman Thursday warned the commercial banks of their over enthusiastic investment in the capital market.  “You must make the banking sector risk-free and must not push the sector into an extra-risk for temporary profit,” he said addressing the

Big boost to PPP: Infrastructure Finance Fund made company

DHAKA: The dormant development paradigm embodied in PPP got a boost as the government Thursday decided to turn Bangladesh Infrastructure Finance Fund (BIFF) into a company for attracting private investment into country’s infrastructure sectors.With Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the

Tk 741.51 crore CCC budget announced

CHITTAGONG: Chittagong City Corporation (DCC) Thursday announced a Tk 741.51 crore budget for 2010-11 fiscal, giving priority to removal of the perennial problem of water logging from the port city. The newly elected CCC mayor, M Manjur Alam, announced the budget in a press conference at

Two ships built to export to Germany

CHITTAGONG: Two more ships with 5,000 dead weight tonnes capacity are now ready for export to Germany. Western Marine Shipyard, a local shipbuilding company, has built the “EMS Sea” and “EMS River” which can carry cargo and container, Managing director of Western Marine Md

RMG owners agree to minimum wages on condition

DHAKA: Apparel owners conditionally agreed to a 7-grade wage structure for the workers with Tk 3000 fixed as the minimum take-home pay. The wage structure was determined Tuesday at the final meeting of the wage board for the workers formed by the government. The labour side of the

JB launches savings project for poor to fight poverty

DHAKA: State-owned Janata Bank is set to launch a savings scheme to attain economic prosperity of the low-income people. First of its kind by the bank, the ‘small savings project at home’ scheme will be introduced in Tongi.The project will serve the low-income people and make them

SEC approves right share of three companies

DHAKA: The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Tuesday approved right share of three companies.Executive director of SEC Anwarul Kabir Bhuiyan confirmed that a meeting of the SEC approved right share of Confidence Cement, Asia Pacific Insurance and Daffodil

USTR meets BGMEA: Working facilities & Minimum wages discussed

DHAKA: Work atmosphere and workers’ wages in factories topped the agenda as a high-powered delegation from the United States Trade Representatives (USTR) met country’s garment exporters’ apex body the BGMEA on Tuesday. The two-member delegation comprising Carlos H Romeo, Deputy

MuhithÔÇÖs vision of village city

DHAKA: Finance Minister AMA Muhith Tuesday said civic amenities alike urban society must be ensured in the villages if to halt rural-to-urban internal migration that appears to have assumed a crisis proportion. “People from villages are rushing towards the cities because we failed to

ÔÇÿCity Bank American Express LoungeÔÇÖ opens at Hazrat Shahjalal Airport

DHAKA: City Bank has launched country’s first international standard airport lounge at Hazral Shahjalal International Airport on Tuesday.Shafiqul Alam Mehdi, Secretary of Civil Aviation and Tourism Ministry, inaugurated the lounge, the Bank at a press conference said.Chairman of City

Preferential trading on US market: mission coming Tuesday

DHAKA: A high-powered delegation from the United States Trade Representatives (USTR) office is due here Tuesday for a spot view of industrial situation before giving a decision on the much-sought-after Globalized System of Preference (GSP) for trading Bangladesh products on the American

GSP in US market: USTR Mission due on Tuesday

DHAKA: A high-powered delegation from the United States Trade Representatives (USTR) office is due here Tuesday for a spot view of industrial situation before giving a decision on the much-sought-after Globalized System of Preference (GSP) for trading Bangladesh products on the American

3 factories of Nasa Group reopen after 4-day closure

SAVAR: Trouble-ridden three factories of Nasa Group at Ashulia here reopened Monday after four days of closure following labor unrest.But, about 500 workers remained absent in their work places on the first day of opening to avoid arrest following filing of a case by the garments

23 govt. industries must be privatized: Privatisation Commission Chairman

DHAKA: Privatisation Commission chief Dr Mirza Abdul Jalil on Monday expressed his firm commitment to privatise 23 public industries. “These public industries must be privatised and the process is now on in this regard,” Jalil told a news conference here. Jalil’s statement came

Dockers postpone work abstention at Ctg port

CHITTAGONG: Chittagong Port dockworkers Monday postponed their two-hour work abstention following assurance by the port authorities to meet their demands.Leaders of Dock Bandar Sramik-Karmachari Federation announced the postponement of their agitation programme on Sunday night after

5 companies publish half-yearly financial reports

DHAKA: Five listed companies of the stock on Sunday published their un-audited half-yearly financial reports.The five companies are- Mutual trust Bank, Islami Bank, BD Wielding, BSRM Steel and BOC.According to the reports, Islami Bank earned Tk 270.83 crore as net profit, BD Wielding Tk

Worst stock crash after 96 <br>Tk 6500 crore evaporates as the bubble bursts on Dhaka bourse

DHAKA: The bubble burst again on Dhaka Stock Exchange Sunday with the price index plummeting to a new low gobbling up market capital worth Tk 6,507 crore on a single day – the biggest fall after the 1996 crash.  Market players attributed the Humpty-Dumpty storybook-like fall of the DSE

No price sensitive information of 3 companies

DHAKA: The three companies of the stock informed Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) that they have no undisclosed price sensitive information for the recent unusual price hike of their shares.The companies are: Dhaka Dying, Aramit Cement and GQ ball pen.The authorities of the companied disclosed

Another power plant deal signed without tender

DHAKA: The government struck another deal for setting up a rented power plant of 40-megawatt capacity without tender, in its desperate bid to tackle an unabated electricity crisis in the country.  The latest rental power unit will be set up at Noapara in Jessore. The accord was signed

NatÔÇÖl Coal Policy to be out by yearend: PMÔÇÖs Energy Adviser

DHAKA: Prime minister`s energy adviser Tawfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury said the final coal policy is likely to come into public domain by the yearend, thereby ending inordinate delays in its making. “The national policy will be published by the yearend taking advice from the specialists in