Tuesday, 17 Sep, 2024


US delegation holds meeting with CA Prof Yunus

Special Correspondent | banglanews24.com
Update: 2024-09-15 12:45:25
US delegation holds meeting with CA Prof Yunus

A US delegation led by Assistant Secretary for International Finance at the Department of the Treasury Brent Neiman held a meeting with Chief Adviser Prof Muhammad Yunus.

The meeting was held at the State Guest House Padma on Sunday morning.

US Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs Donald Lu was present at the meeting.

After the meeting, the official Facebook page of the US Embassy Dhaka said in a post, “Our delegation met with the Chief Adviser Professor Muhammad Yunus, affirming our dedication to fostering inclusive economic growth, institution building, and development to benefit the people of Bangladesh. As Dhaka looks to chart a more equitable and inclusive future, the US stands ready to support those efforts.”

BDST: 1245 HRS, SEPT 15, 2024

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