Tuesday, 17 Sep, 2024


Govt fixes egg, chicken retail prices

News Desk | banglanews24.com
Update: 2024-09-15 19:59:07
Govt fixes egg, chicken retail prices

The government has fixed the retail prices of one piece egg at Tk11.87, per kilogram sonali chicken at Tk269.64 and per kilogram broiler chicken at Tk179.59.

A letter signed by Director General of Department of Livestock Dr Mohammad Reajul Huq in this regard was issued on Sunday (Sep 15).

The letter also asked all concerned to ensure the new prices to stay effective.

The prices have been fixed in consultation with a Joint Working Group that comprises the Department of Agricultural Marketing, the Department of Livestock Services and other stakeholders of the poultry sector.

BDST: 1959 HRS, SEP 15, 2024

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