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Electricity generation: Two rental electricity generation plants start

Rajib Tripura |
Update: 2010-04-20 22:33:49
Electricity generation: Two rental electricity generation plants start

Dhaka: Two rental power plants are going into generation by June and July to a little relief for the people suffering from electricity shortage.

The plants will be capable of generating 100 MW electricity each. United Kingdom-based company, Agrico UK Limited, will set up the plants in Khulna and Ghurashal.
khulna power plant
The Power Development Board of Bangladesh and the British company Tuesday signed a memorandum of understanding in the conference room of the Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry.

Managing Derector of Agrico Debajit Das and PDB Secretary Ajizul Islam signed the deal on behalf of their organizations.

Finance Minister AMA Muhith, Energy affairs adviser to the PM Tafique E Elahi and State Minister for the Power Ministry Enamul Haque, among others, attended the singning ceremony.

The Finance Minister said “The power sector has to be developed immediately for improving the investment atmosphere in Bangladesh.” He said more power plants would be set up within six months to encourage private investors.

PDB official said according to the PDB plans the 100MW Khulna power plant will go into operation by June 22 and the other one Ghurashal by 28 July.

BDST: 1930 HRS, APR 20, 2010.


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