Saturday, 21 Sep, 2024


‘Judge Impeachment law democratic’

Senior Correspondent |
Update: 2014-08-18 03:50:00
‘Judge Impeachment law democratic’

DHAKA: There should be no fear over restoring the power of Parliament to impeach the judges, commented Bangladesh Law Commission Chairman, also a former Chief Justice ABM Khairul Haque.

He made the remark while addressing a press conference at the Law Commission in city on Monday noon.

The chairman added that this kind of law has been being existed in India since 1950. It is a democratic manner.

So, there no reason to fear this judge impeachment law, he opined.

Answering a question whether the law will contradict the country’s constitution or not, the former chief justice said that there is no possibility of contradiction regarding the law of handing over the power of impeaching the judges to the Parliament.

BDST: 1343 HRS, AUG 18, 2014

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