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Qamrul goes on harping: Zia was Pakistani-spy freedom

Senior Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2010-05-29 18:58:22

DHAKA: State Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Advocate Qamrul Islam once again said slain President Ziaur Rahman was an undercover “spy” of Pakistan, both during and after the liberation war.  

“Being a freedom fighter, he was also a Pakistani spy. He rehabilitated war criminals after the killing of Bangabandhu in 1975,” Qamrul said, throwing a challenge for the opposition BNP to disprove his repeated remark.

The State Minister was addressing a seminar on “War Crime and Present Political Perspective” organized at Dhaka Reporters Unity by Bangabandhu Academy.  

Advocate Qamrul asserted that the identified war criminals would be tried as soon as possible.

Present on the occasion, Awami League leader Mohammad Nasim suggested the government to involve pro-independence senior lawyers in the war criminals’ trial process.

“For the sake of transparency of the trial and making it unquestionable, the government can involve pro-independence senior lawyers,” he said.

The former minister said the opposition BNP has called hartal to confuse the people, but Awami League would not obstruct their programme.

He criticized the intervention of World Bank in the internal affairs of the country, and suggested the government should give the go-by to the multilateral donor-duo: WB and IMF. “We have to go ahead with development ignoring WB, IMF help like South Korea and Malaysia,” he said.

BDST: 1445HRS. May 29, 2010

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