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One shot dead by police in Mirpur

Senior Correspondent |
Update: 2010-05-30 20:55:43

DHAKA: A suspected bandit was killed by bullet as police on Sunday morning fired on an armed gang of muggers in front of Govt. Bangla College in the city’s Mirpur area, according to an official account of the shootout.

Police and witnesses said police opened fire as the mugger was hurling cocktails at the law-enforcers near the college.

Mirpur police told that on information, a team led by SI Shahinur Rahman rushed there at about 10:30am. As they started searching the suspected man, the unidentified bandit suddenly blasted a bomb, injuring four police officials, including SI Shahinur Rahman.

“As police chased him, the man, who was carrying five bombs, hurled one bomb at the law-enforcers that prompted them to open fire. Police are now looking for the mugger’s cohorts,” said a police official of Mirpur.

He also said police arrested the injured mugger and took him to hospital where duty doctors declared him dead.

The body was sent to Dhaka Medical College Hospital morgue, he added.

BDST: 1:47 Hrs, May 30, 2010

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