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Community clinics to restart with 13,500 healthcare providers manning the healing houses

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2010-05-30 20:58:32

Dhaka: Thousands of community clinics, laid waste by the BNP regime as redundant, will now be revived by the present government by recruiting some 13,500 healthcare providers to ensure “better health services” for the rural people, said a minister Sunday.

State Minister for Health and Family Welfare Dr Mozibur Rahman Fakir MP disclosed the decision Sunday at a national workshop on ‘Finalization of Community Group Management Guideline’ organized by Revitalization of Community Health Care Initiatives in Bangladesh at Sasakawa auditorium, ICDDRB, with Dr Makhduma Nargis, Project Director of MOHFW, in the chair.

He also informed the workshop that the government would recruit a total of 4,133 doctors on ad-hoc basis and “the selection process has already been finalized”.    

“The present government is committed to the people to giving health service for all,” he said.

The Awami League government started community clinics during the regime of 1996-2001, but the subsequent four-party alliance government halted the World Bank-funded project.

“Now the government is working to start it again for ensuring better health service up to union level with the help of people,” he added.

Dr Barendranath Mondal presented written project guideline while representative of the World Health Organization Mr. Frank Pauline, President of Bangladesh Medical Association Professor Chowdhury Mahmud Hasan and Additional Director-General of Health Dr. AKM Mohibullah also addressed the programme.

BDST: 1330HRS. May 30, 2010

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