Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


40,000 smuggling cases pending in the country

Gazi Jahirul Islam, Senior Correspondent |
Update: 2010-08-24 02:18:16
40,000 smuggling cases pending in the country

DHAKA: Nearly 40,000 cases of smuggling, filed by BDR and Coast Guard forces, have been pending with different courts for lack of judges.
Court sources said the shortage of judges is the main cause of huge backlog of smuggling cases.

According to a source in the Law Ministry, at present some 39,836 smuggling cases are lying in different courts for disposal.

When contacted, State Minister for Law Qamrul Islam told, “Appointment of judges is under process for quick disposal of the cases.”

Huge quantities of seized goods are being damaged for not disposing of the cases, depriving the government of huge amounts of revenue.

In this regard, the state minister said all the problems would be solved after the settlement of the cases.

BDST: 2023 HRS AUG 24, 2010

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