Friday, 27 Sep, 2024


Let's create peaceful Bangladesh: Khaleda Zia

News Desk |
Update: 2024-08-07 17:24:53
Let's create peaceful Bangladesh: Khaleda Zia

Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Chairperson Khaleda Zia has called for an end to the ‘politics of revenge and for creating prosperity and peace.

Khaleda Zia made the call while addressing the BNP rally in Dhaka's Nayapaltan. She joined the rally virtually on Wednesday afternoon.

The former prime minister said, “Let's create a Bangladesh of love, prosperity and peace. We have to create a united Bangladesh from the ruins of a dismantled democracy.”

She also expressed gratitude to all ‘brave children’ who made it possible for her to speak.

The last time Khaleda Zia spoke in public was on 8 February, 2018. A festive mood was prevailing at the BNP’s headquarters.

BDST: 1724 HRS, AUGUST 07, 2024

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