Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


Road mishap kills one in the capital

Senior Correrspondent |
Update: 2010-06-30 13:56:35

DHAKA:  Reckless driving took another life in the capital as a bus ran over a passerby in front of Shamarita Hospital close to Panthapath crossing on Wednesday midnight.

The deceased was identified as Abul Hashem, 60, who came to the capital last Monday for job-hunt from village Uddinpara in Sonaimuri Thana of Noakhali.

His son-in-law Iqbal Hossain told that Hashem went to Shamarita Hospital on Wednesday night for a job.

“While he was crossing the road, a speeding bus ran him down near Panthapath crossing at about 11 pm,” police said, quoting witnesses.

Local people rushed him to Shamarita. Later, he was sent to Dhaka Medical Collage Hospital where the on-duty doctor declared him dead at midnight.

BDST: 09:00 Hrs, July 1, 2010.

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