Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


BSF held BD man in Thakurgaon

District Correspondent |
Update: 2014-04-24 23:16:08
BSF held BD man in Thakurgaon

THAKURGAON: A Bangladeshi worker was held by Border Security Force (BSF) of India from Ratnai border line under Baliadangi upazila of the district on Thursday night.

The detainee was identified as Dulal, son of Rajab Ali, resident of the upazila.

Sources said that Dulal was held by the BSF personnel while he was crossing the border line around 8:00 pm, to return home after working in India.

Confirming the matter, Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) Thakurgaon-30 Intelligence Officer Major Tauhid said that a letter was sent to BSF asking to hold a flag meeting to get beck the Bangladeshi.

BDST: 0914 HRS, APR 25, 2014

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