DHAKA: Monday, July 14, “Bastille Day”, French will celebrate the day with due respect and honour as like very year. On the occasion of the day French Ambassador to Bangladesh Michel Trinquier has given a message on Bangladesh and French relation on various issues.
Here is the unedited speech of French ambassador:
It is an honour and a real pleasure to celebrate the French national day in Bangladesh, and to address the Bangladeshi People and my fellow citizens in this country on that occasion.
For French people, the 14th of July, or “Bastille Day”, is a commemoration of the 14 July 1789 storming of the “Bastille” fortress-prison, which led to the end of privileges and absolute monarchy in France, and of the 14 July 1790 “Fête de la Fédération” consecration of the unity of the French nation, which was later to adopt “liberty, equality, fraternity”, as the motto of the French Republic.
Every year since 1880, a military parade is being held in Paris on the morning of the 14th of July. Today’s parade will have a particular significance, as 2014 marks the Centenary of the outbreak of World War One, the first global conflict of the 20th century. For that reason, officials and youth from throughout the world will take part in the celebrations, at the invitation of the French government. Together, they will honour the memories of France’s friends and allies, and celebrate the values of reconciliation, peace, and friendship, as a means to a peaceful global future.
France was one of the first countries to recognize the State of Bangladesh, following the September 1971 call for the country’s independence of General de Gaulle’s Minister for Culture André Malraux, to whose memory a Garden was inaugurated at the University of Dhaka in April this year. Since then, our two countries have been building relations in the economic, scientific, academic, and cultural fields.
The Alliances françaises in Bangladesh, local associations receiving support from the French government, are a symbol of these linkages. So is the French archaeological mission in Mahasthangarh, who has been working for over 20 years with their Bangladeshi counterparts to revive and preserve Bangladesh’s heritage.
Relations between our two countries are also made of individual interests and experiences. Every year, hundreds of Bangladeshi students consider pursuing an education in France, and it is always a true pleasure receiving the testimonials of the numerous bright and motivated young Bangladeshis who eventually did.
Each of them contributes, at their level, to developing the relations between France and Bangladesh.
In addition, since the beginning of the year, two renowned French scholars have paid visit to Bangladesh: intellectual Bernard-Henri Lévy, who returned to the country for the launch of the Bengali version of his book on the Liberation War of Bangladesh; and member of the French Academy Erik Orsenna, who met with Bangladeshi scholars to discuss climate change and disaster management issues.
Bangladesh has set for itself ambitious poverty reduction and inclusive and sustainable development goals, and France is committed to helping it achieve them through a wide range of development cooperation channels.
Climate change is a topic of crucial importance to Bangladesh, and France is an active contributor in that field: while its carbon emissions are among the lowest in Europe, it has set the goal of dividing them by 4 at the horizon 2050.
Furthermore, France will be hosting the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris in 2015, when an ambitious universal agreement should be adopted to take over from the Kyoto Protocol in 2020.
In Bangladesh, beside its contribution through European Union funds, France is active in the field of green and inclusive growth through the French Development Agency – AFD, whose activities additionally have a strong focus on climate change adaptation, and the Embassy has been supporting capacity-building programmes in the fields of climatology and disaster management.
Health and gender are two other areas of particular importance to France and Bangladesh. France, who was at the origin of the creation of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, is its second largest contributor; for 2014-2016, its contribution represents 1.08 billion euros, of which 12% will be allocated to projects being implemented in Bangladesh.
France, who has just hosted the 24th edition of the Global Summit of Women, is also actively involved in gender issues. In Bangladesh, the Embassy proudly supports the study at the renowned school of political science “Sciences Po Paris” of talented young Bangladeshi ladies from Chittagong-based Asian University for Women.
Last but not least, close to three months after the one-year anniversary of the Rana Plaza tragedy, and two weeks after the OECD Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct which was held in Paris, I would like to renew France’s commitment towards continued and enhanced efforts of all stakeholders to improve factory safety and workers' rights.
Consumers, owners and buyers, policy-and decision-makers-we all have a responsibility in ensuring that workers’ lives are no longer put at risk to supply western consumer markets.
This is why France has contributed to the “Better Work Bangladesh” programme, set up by the International Labour Organization together with the International Finance Corporation.
In that field and many others, the Embassy of France in Bangladesh will continue working towards enhanced cooperation and strengthened relations between France and Bangladesh.
Let me conclude by wishing every success and happiness to the People of Bangladesh, and to the French community in this country, who, together, participate in this endeavour, be they civil servants, private sector or non-profit organisation employees.
BDST: 1735 HRS, JUL 13, 2014