Sunday, 29 Sep, 2024


During budget speech

GCC mayor falls unconscious

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2014-08-18 05:34:00
GCC mayor falls unconscious photo:

GAZIPUR: Gazipur City Corporation (GCC) mayor MA Mannan fell unconscious during his budget speech on Monday noon.

He is now undergoing treatment at his office, when the report was filed.

A witness told banglanews that the incident happened around 1:20pm at the hall room in the second floor of GCC’s Nagar Bhaban.

The mayor, who reached there at 11:30am, fell sick about 20 minutes later of his presentation of current fiscal year budget, the witness said.

However, the budget session has been postponed after the incident.

BDST: 1533 HRS, AUG 18, 2014

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