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Angela Markel satisfied with stability in Bangladesh

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2014-10-16 18:33:00
Angela Markel satisfied with stability in Bangladesh Chancellor Angela Markel / Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

DHAKA: German Chancellor Angela Markel praised the momentous leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and expressed satisfaction over the existing political situation and stability across Bangladesh.

Markel’s appreciation and satisfaction came when Hasina held a bilateral meeting with Markel on the sideline of the 10th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit in Italian capital city of Milan on Thursday.

Foreign Affairs Minster Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali, chief secretary and Bangladesh ambassador in Italy Sahdat Hossain were present at the meeting.

Foreign Affairs Ministry secretary Shahidul Islam briefed the journalists after the meeting, where Hasina’s deputy press secretary Bijon Lal was present.

BDST: 0315 HRS, OCT 17, 2014

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