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EC not the authority to ban political parties- CEC

Senior Correspondent |
Update: 2010-08-01 00:34:02
EC not the authority to ban political parties- CEC

DHAKA: Chief Election Commissioner Dr ATM Shamsul Huda Sunday made it clear that the Election Commission is not authorized to ban a political party and that the authority lies with the government.

“The Commission will not impose any ban on any party. It is the responsibility of the government. If the government bans any registered political party, the Commission would cancel the registration as per ‘The Representation of the People Order (RPO) Act’,” he said, as journalists asked if the EC would go for outlawing religion-based political parties.  

The question cropped up as, following the High Court verdict proscribing the 5th amendment to the constitution, Law Minister Barrister Shafique Ahmed and other lawyers said that the EC holds the authority to ban the religion-based political parties that are considered offspring of the amendment.

“It is unexpected that such advance comment should come,” said Election Commission chief, apparently pushing the ball into government’s court.  

The CEC said that they are yet to receive any papers or documents regarding the much-talked-about ban.

“The EC is not biased to any party. We don’t need to comment in advance. Our steps will be as per the Constitution,” he added.

He said that the EC had some objections on the party constitution of Jamaat-e-Islami submitted to the Commission for which they would send a notice to the party.

Of the total 38 parties listed with the EC, 11 are known to be religion-based or with names having religious tints.

BDST: 1934 HRS. AUGUST 01, 2010

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