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Intl Crimes Tribunal visits Mirpur killing field

Staff Correspondent |
Update: 2010-08-16 20:13:23

DHAKA: A team of investigators and prosecutors of the International Crimes Tribunal Tuesday visited suburban Alokdi locality under the capital’s Pallabi police station to observe firsthand the killing ground where hundreds of innocent Bangladeshis were slaughtered by the Pakistani junta in 1971.

The investigators, led by chief coordinator Abdur Rahim, Additional Inspector-General of Police, visited the haunted ground and spoke to local people during their one-and-a-half-hour-long spot visit, part of the probe under the current war-crime-trial proceedings.

Investigation officer Abdur Razzaque, who was also in the team, told that they observed five wells and a spot of mass murders at Alokdi village where they traced the place where 500-600 people were killed during the liberation war.

“People now erected houses on most of the places of mass murders,” Razzaque said about an apparent oblivion shrouding the bizarre tragedy.

Alokdi now came to light through a war-crime case taken up by the tribunal trying the crimes committed during the liberation war. Top Jamaat leaders are the prime accused in the case.         

BDST: 1445 HRS, AUGUST 17, 2010

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