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Aug 21 carnage commemorated

Senior Correspondent |
Update: 2010-08-19 22:36:49
Aug 21 carnage commemorated

DHAKA: The ruling Awami League Saturday mourned for the martyrs slain in the fatal grenade attack on the party rally in 2004, with government leaders pledging to unveil the masterminds.

On this day in 2004, 24 people, including AL leader Ivy Rahman, wife of President Zillur Rahman, were killed and 500 others injured in a volley of grenade blasts at the rally in Bangabandhu Avenue.

Awami League chief Sheikh Hasina, the incumbent prime minister, who survived the attack but had her ears damaged from the loud explosions, narrated at a commemorative meeting her experience with the repeat of the day.

Besides, many of the injured still live with the curse of disability. They also recalled the hell, describing their traumatic experience of the carnage that still haunts them.

Awami League leaders led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina paid homage to the deceased placing wreaths at the temporary memorial plaque in front of the AL central office on Bangabandhu Avenue, where the attack was carried out, at 12:30pm Saturday.

Later, Leaders and activists of the party and its front organizations also placed wreaths at the memorial.

Besides, the party faithful observed two-minute silence in front of the memorial at 5:22pm, the time of the attack. Such commemorative programmes were organised in all units of the party across the country.

A milad mahfil was also held at Bangababhaban Jam-e-Masjid after Zohr prayer seeking eternal peace of the departed souls of those killed in the August 21 grenade attack.

In commemoration of the dead, a discussion will be held at the city’s Bangabandhu International Conference Centre Sunday with AL presidium member Syeda Sajeda Chowdhury in the chair. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will attend the discussion as chief guest.

Earlier, AL General Secretary and Local Government Minister Syed Ashraful Islam had urged all party men to observe the day with “due solemnity”.

Two cases, one for murder and one under the Explosives Act, were filed in 2004 in connection with the attack. The proceedings of the two cases have been running concurrently—often on a bumpy track.

Detained former State Minister for Home Affairs Lutfozzaman Babar and some top officials of police, of late, have been implicated in the August 21 grenade-attack charge.

BDST: 1300HRS, AUG 21, 2010

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