Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


CID interrogates KhaledaÔÇÖs nephew Duke

Senior Correspondent |
Update: 2010-08-24 15:38:00

DHAKA: Criminal Investigation Department (CID) interrogated Saiful Islam Duke, the nephew of former Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia and son of former women and children affairs minister Khurshid Jahan Haque, over the 21st August grenade attack.

ASP Adul Kahhar Akand, Investigation Officer of the case, interrogated him exhaustively at his office from 2pm to 8.15pm. He was freed on condition of appearing whenever summoned.

CID sources said Duke was quizzed on the basis of former Deputy Minister for Education Abdus Salam Pinto’s confessional statements under custody.

“There was a clear conception of Duke’s involvement in the grenade attack in the statement,” said one source.
Duke did not make any comment, when contacted.

BDST: 1111 HRS, AUGUST 25, 2010

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