Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


22 Freedom Party men get 7 yrs RI

Mobinul Islam Court Correspondent |
Update: 2010-09-05 19:22:59
22 Freedom Party men get 7 yrs RI

DHAKA: A speedy trial tribunal Monday sentenced a band of 22 leaders of the banned Freedom Party to seven years rigorous imprisonment in a case filed under the Arms Act in Mymensingh way back in 1990 following an armed attack on a crowd of cinemagoers.

Party vice-chairman Major (retd) Bazlul Huda got exonerated from the arms case as he has already been hanged along with four other former army officers for the murder of independence leader Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman during the August 15, 1975 bloody coup.          

Judge of the Speedy Trial Tribunal–4 Rezaul Islam handed down the judgment at noon, with only a lone convict, Maj (Retd) Jainal Abedin, in the dock. The rest 21 have long been on the run.  

According to the prosecution, 40 armed leaders and cadres of Freedom Party went to a tea-stall near Purabi Cinema Hall in Trishal upazila on the night of February 11, 1990. As curious people gathered there to see the plainclothes people with arms, the convicted persons opened fire on them, leaving one dead and five others injured.  

“After the killing, the armed gang fled the scene by a getaway microbus and private cars,” it is stated in the case statement.

Two cases—one murder case and another under arms case- were filed with Trishal thana in this regard. The murder case is now under trial.

BDST: 1347 HRS, SEPTEMBER 06, 2010

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