Sunday, 01 Sep, 2024


3 children drown in Feni

Sheikh Farid Uddin Akhter |
Update: 2010-09-13 19:46:37
3 children drown in Feni

FENI: Three children, two siblings and their cousin, drowned in a pond at village Keronia in Daganbhuiyan upazila on Tuesday morning.

The dead were identified as Nurer Rahman, 7, and Tahera Begum, 5, children of Nurul Amin of Daganbhuiyan, and their cousin Abu Tayeb, 7, son of Abul Kashem of Noakhali.

Witnesses said the children slipped into the water and had their watery burial while playing on the bank of the pond, adjacent to their house.

Local people later found the three kids floating and pulled them out from the pond waters.

The children with their family members went to visit their aunt’s house, where they met their end in one of a number of such drowning tragedies during the eid-holidaying.

BDST: 1510 HRS, SEPT 14, 2010

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