Monday, 02 Sep, 2024


Lightning kills one in Sirajganj

Sirajganj Correspondent |
Update: 2010-06-16 12:14:55

Sirajganj: A housewife was killed and three other people were injured in lightning strikes at Char-Shailojan village in Chouhali upazila on Wednesday morning, as an inclement weather prevails across the country.

The deceased was identified as Khamia, 35, wife of Alek Ali.

Local sources said a thunderbolt struck on the house of Alek at about 8am, killing his wife instantly.

Another three women-- Mariam, Amena and Sakhina- at neighbouring Omarpur village also sustained burn injuries in lightning amid bursts of cloud.
Chouhali thana OC Md. Aminul Islam said police force were sent to the spot.

BDST 18 02 hrs June 16, 2010

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